
What is Ceramide?

Pronounced ˈsir-ə-ˌmīd, is a waxy lipid (fat molecules) that’s typically found in the cell membranes. Ceramide is what holds your skin cells together, about 50% of our skin is made up for ceramide.

What will it do?

Basically makes your skin look and feel smooth. Specifically it helps retain moisture, creates a protective barrier for the skin to protect against environmental factors (pollution and dry air) and makes your skin look plump and firm. It’s considered a “skin-replenishing” ingredient, great for all skin types. People with sensitive, oily or acne-prone skin could really benefit from this ingredient


Ceramide isn’t a stable ingredient, to guarantee effectiveness of this ingredient, look for products that have airtight pumps. You typically see Ceramide on labels as ceramide AP, EOP, NG, NP, or NS. Sometimes hytosphingosine and sphingosine are put into the product which isn’t ceramide but it encourages the skin to produce it.

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